Things have been kind of crazy around here hence the lack of blog posts. In the last few weeks we have all had a stomach virus (some of us twice). I had a two day interview with the University of Hawaii for a tenure track position. Matt has been working super long weeks as he learns his new position and is trying to find his teaching groove again. Alma has also been super busy. She cut a second tooth, runs (not walks) everywhere, imitates everything we do, and has learned the power of the word "hi".
Not much else to report. We are getting ready to celebrate my baby girls first birthday in a few weeks. And also getting ready for our first visitors. Can't wait to see Mom, Dad, and Amanda in April. Here are some pictures of Ms. Alma to hold you over : )
If you look close you can see two adorable little baby teeth! |
Crazy attack the camera face. |
Tongue ; ) |
Love the serious face. |
Notice the pinky finger...such a girl. |
Chewing on everything she can get her mouth on. |
Love that smile. |
New pasttime of taking things apart - the more dangerous the better. |
Getting a bit more hair too - see those curls! |
She has changed so much! Growing up so quickly. I cannot wait to have her in my arms. She's stunning, Carla. Do you think she'll have curly hair? Love her sweet smile. Many photographs to be taken when I arrive!