Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween everyone! We had a so much fun this year. Alma really got into the spirit of Halloween and talked about it for weeks before. In celebration, we made these cupcakes to take to her daycare and share with her friends. She loved these "men" as she called them. Alma is not big on smiling for pictures but she was so proud of these!

Daddy was out of town again this year thanks to a yearly conference that always takes place on Halloween (Boo!) so we spent the evening with Auntie Amanda and Uncle Chris. It was wonderful to have the extra help and Alma loves hanging out with these guys.

Alma was a ballerina, fairy, princess something. I just bought her a tutu and tiara with a wand and used the wings that Grandma Schmidt gave her. She loved the outfit so we both were happy.

It took her a while to get the hang of trick or treating but once she learned that candy was involved here motivation changed pretty quickly.

She loved the Halloween decorations and folks in Kaneohe go all out. There were so many kids out and so many houses were decorated.

Some houses were a bit more intimidating than others but she was a good sport about it.

Thanks Auntie for all the piggy-back rides...Mommy was just not up to it (plus I had to include a picture with those beautiful Koolaus in the background).

Baby boy was also of course along for the ride. He makes a great pumpkin, huh?