Monday, March 19, 2012

And we are still sick....

I haven't really had a chance to post much since we have all been fighting yet another round of sickness. I went to D.C. for a business trip and when I returned Alma had a very scary fever with sore throat, runny nose and cough. Matt and I currently have it. We are hoping this is it for a while. Because of all the sickness we haven't had a chance to get out and do very much but here are a few picture from around the house.

Alma loves pop-cycles - you can't eat one without sharing with her.
She was such a help when I was packing.....
And unpacking!
Was really dreading when this would happen...but here we are.
Monkey see....
Monkey do....she is imitating everything we do.
Lili is still her best friend.
And she's just more and more amazing everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing is right. She's incredible! I can't wait to see her and hold her in my arms. You guys better feel better when we're there. What a bummer. I hope things are turning around. Drink lots of water. Love you all!
