Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday Morning at Aikahi Playground

Just us girls this morning and with all the rain we had this week it was time to hit the playground for Ms. Alma to get some much deserved outside time. We went to her absolute favorite place to go and we had so much fun.

This is quite an intimidating playground. There is so much to do and there is even a resident dragon. She always starts off on the smaller more approachable area for small kids.

Then she slowly works up to exploring the bigger stuff and mingling with the big kids.

Then she quickly adopts her usual "no fear" approach to life.

So about that dragon..Alma likes this guys but also a bit apprehensive. 

 And rightfully so, this is no small dragon. But today was the first day she was brave enough to sit on his nose. The whole time she was telling him to be nice - so cute!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of St. George the dragon slayer, but now we have Alma the dragon tamer. How this little girl is conquering her world, and so BRAVE, too!
