Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just hanging around

We haven't really been up to much since our trip to Texas. It took us a while to recover and get caught up at work. Thought I would post some pictures of Alma just hanging around the house (and getting into everything).

She has discovered Nutella. We kept chocolate away as long as we could but she just can't resist this stuff. It makes her so happy but its so messy!

We had just finished a bath the other day and I was looking for her to get ready for bed and this is where I found her. Just chilling out with her puppy.

She is also loving dressing up in Mommy's (or Daddy's) things.

So curious and into everything, but so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell our Little Alma that chocolate makes Grandma Schmidt happy too. I love the picture of her in the dryer. I am glad she hasn't discovered how to turn it on. Oh my, what a ride.
